Course Description

Take an online AutoCAD course from the renowned online institute StudySes to show potential employers that you have the skills they need. With our online course, you’ll learn the skills related to AutoCAD for Design and Drafting exam. Video lessons are organized to correspond to the exam’s objective domains, including sections on drawing and organizing objects, drawing accurately, advanced editing functions, layouts, printing, and outputting, annotation techniques, and reusable content and drawing management. In addition, to create drawing objects, managing layers, snapping objects, and using the User Coordinate System, you will also learn about working with layers. This comprehensive course will provide step-by rotation and scaling of objects, arrays, grip editing, offsets, filleting and chamfering, and trimming and extending. Also covered in this class are layouts and viewports, output formats, and drawing management. Get ready to brush up your skills with markup tools, hatching, filling, tables, multi leaders, dimensioning, and more.

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    AutoCAD for Design and Drafting Course Overview

    This is a skill-oriented course consisting of lessons, practice exercises, challenge assignments, and assessments. Certificate prep courses are developed by experts and delivered on-demand. You will gain an understanding of the skills required to become a skilled professional. An aspiring designer needs to master such coveted software in order to create solutions for current challenges. As the world of tomorrow becomes more automated, creativity and knowledge of such software will be essential.

    Who should enroll on this course?

    • This specific course is curated for entry-level CAD operators who usually work with engineers.
    • The classes will be benefitted for individuals who want to step into the construction, engineering, and architecture industries.
    • Any student with no prior knowledge of AutoCAD and want to pursue a course with lots of practice questions then this course is for you.
    • Working professionals who want to upgrade their skills and learn new and advanced topics in AutoCAD can also benefit from this course.

    AutoCAD Lecture Schedule

    AutoCAD 2D

    AutoCAD 2D online training program will cover the foundation drafting and design concepts. This is a well-rounded course that equips the users with the requisite drafting skills for solving various problems in AutoCAD. In this course, you will get to know how to use AutoCAD commands for making a drawing, apply constraints, and many more.


    Navigating the working environment


    • Computer Hardware
    • Computer Software
    • Introduction about AutoCAD
    • Different versions of AutoCAD
    • AutoCAD Slideshow (PPT)
    • Rules & Regulations


    Working with files


    • Start up Dialog box
    • Imperial / English
    • Metric
    • Save Drawings
    • Open Drawings
    • User preference
    • Introduction of Ribbon
    • Use of different types of Workspace
    • Functional keys
    • How to use templates
    • Information about user ID and Passwords
    • Screen introduction
    • Quick view drawing
    • Quick view layout


    Displaying Objects


    • Zoom command
    • Pan command
    • Regen
    • Viewres
    • Limits
    • Grid
    • Snap


    Co – ordinate System


    • Line command with 4 Methods
      1. Absolute Method
      2. Relative co – ordinate system
      3. Polar co – ordinate method
      4. Direct Dimension Method
    • About Dynamic Input


    Creating basic shapes


    • Circle command
    • Rectangle command
    • Fill mode variables
    • Erase command
    • Undo command
    • Redo command
    • M Redo
    • Oops command
    • Geometric constrain


    Using object snap


    • Object snap
    • Point command
    • Point style
    • Divide
    • Measure


    Creating special shapes


    • Arc
    • Polygon
    • Ellipse


    Using Polar Tracking and Polar Snaps


    • Polar Tracking
    • Object snap tracking
    • Spline


    Modification of Objects


    • Move /Copy/Rotate/Scale/Mirror


    Creating Object Pattern


    • Array Command
    • Join/Break/ Break at Point /Selection


    Trimming and Extending Objects


    • Offset
    • Trim
    • Extend
    • Chamfer
    • Fillet
    • Stretch
    • Mocoro
    • Grip
    • Lengthen


    Object Property Tools


    • Object Properties
    • By Layer Properties
    • Using quick property
    • Match Object Properties
    • Inquiry Commands
    • Isolate Object


    Layer Tool Palette Layer


    • Layer
    • Layer Tools
    • Change by Layer
    • Current Layer
    • Layer State Manager
    • Export Import Layer


    Units & Drawing Creation


    • Drawing Units
    • Drawing creation




    • Single Line Text
    • Text Style
    • Multiline Text
    • Q text
    • Mirror text
    • Arc tekt
    • Explode text
    • Convert text
    • T case


    Creating Section Line


    • Hatch Pattern
    • Gradient
    • Editing Hatches
    • Donut


    Creating Dimensions


    • Create Dimensions
    • Dimension Constrain


    Modify Dimensions


    • Editing Dimensions
    • Multileader
    • Multileader style
    • Multileader Edit


    Dimension Style


    • Dimensions Style
    • Creating and Modifying Dimension Style


    Creating Different Types of Lines


    • Xline(Construction line)
    • Ray line
    • Multiline
    • Multiline edit
    • Multiline Style
    • Polyline
    • Polyline Edit
    • Table

    AutoCAD 3D

    The AutoCAD 3D course entails students from the beginning of the 3D modelling process. This online course will help to learn the student the ways of converting 2D diagrams into 3D models. It is a complete instructor-leading course that will involve numerous practical tasks.


    Introductions to 3D


    • Viewpoint
    • View Cube


    Working In 3D


    • Line with 4 Methods
    • 3D Orbit
    • Steering Wheel


    Surface Modeling


    • Tab Surf
    • Rule Surf
    • Rev Surf
    • Edge Surf
    • Plane Surf
    • 3D Face
    • Surftab 1
    • Surftab 2


    Surface Modeling


    • Blend
    • Patch
    • Patch
    • Network
    • Fillet
    • Trim


    Creating Solid Primitive


    • Box
    • Sphere
    • Cylinder
    • Cone
    • Wedge Torus
    • Pyramid


    Solid Model Creation from 2D Profile


    • Extrude
    • Revolve
    • Region
    • Subtract
    • Intersect
    • Interfere
    • Union


    Solid Model Creation from 2D Profile


    • Helix
    • Sweep
    • Loft


    Use of user coordinate system


    • Ucs
    • Ducs
    • 3d osnap


    Object Creation



    Modification of Solid Models


    • Press Pull
    • Chamfer
    • Fillet
    • 3D align
    • 3D Array


    Modification of Solid Models


    • Move 3D
    • Rotate 3D
    • Slice
    • Mirror 3D


    Editing Solid Models


    • Solid Edit


    Creating 2D from 3D object


    • Section
    • Section plane
    • Flat shot


    Using Material


    • Material
    • Attach material by object
    • Attach material by layer
    • Attach material by face


    Modify Material


    • Material Editing
    • Planner Mapping


    Using Light


    • Light (sun lights & standard lights)
    • Attach IES file into Drawing
    • Sun editing
    • Geographic location
    • Light (sun lights & standard lights)


    Using Render Settings


    • Render technique
    • How to save rendered view
    • Making new viewport
    • Set different types of background
    • Advance Render Settings


    Motion Path Animation


    • Camera
    • Activating and managing camera views
    • Using animation path
    • Recording an animation


    Plotting Viewport & Sheet Manager


    • Plotting
    • Printing & Page Setup
    • New Sheet set manager
    • Edit Sheet set manager
    • Open sheet set manager


    For an interactive and interesting course structure, we have included a diverse range of educational and engaging content, concepts and content delivery. This will ensure a delightful learning experience for you.

    Hybrid-Learning Module

    Hybrid learning module ensures you can learn the course through interactive video content along with written content.

    Digital Content

    Digital content is based on various visual and interactive sessions. It is comprised of tutorial videos, quizzes and infographics. The visual representations, interactive quiz sessions and interesting infographics can bring you a rich and interactive learning experience.


    Assessment consists of various MCQs, matching the following and image based questions.

    Case Study

    You will be provided with case studies based on real-life business scenarios before completion of the course.


    Industry- preferred certification will be provided to differentiate yourself from others and take your career to the next level.

    Download For Free

    The app can be downloaded completely free for iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones.


    You've come to the right place if you want to learn. Our goal is to connect people and make knowledge accessible. You can access our course and study materials from anywhere, anytime, and from any device according to your time and convenience.

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