Our Credentials

The following is a list of companies and associations we're affiliated with:


The IDP is one of the world's leading providers of international educational services. They have been helping students realize their dreams of studying abroad for almost 50 years. They offer a wide range of services, have experienced staff, and have a solid foothold in the industry, so you can look forward to a successful international future.

Online Business School

Their programmes are verified by Awarding Organisations recognised by OFQUAL. We ensure that those studying with us receive a high-quality education as well as certifications that are accepted universally by Universities and employers.


At Tally, they solely believe in technology's power to make business owners more efficient, empowered, and happier, so they can focus on what's important. Our products are designed to work for you, not the other way around.
With TallyPrime, they take this to a whole new level, making automation or switching to Tally easier than ever. Without having to learn anything new, you will be able to discover the product much more easily and make it do more for you. This product adapts to your business and the way you work, giving you greater flexibility. Moreover, the transformed look and feel will make you love it even more.

Download For Free

The app can be downloaded completely free for iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones.


You've come to the right place if you want to learn. Our goal is to connect people and make knowledge accessible. You can access our course and study materials from anywhere, anytime, and from any device according to your time and convenience.

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