We are in Charge of Your IELTS Preparation

StudySes is fully charged to guide you in every step of your education. Whether you are struggling to improve your English or trying to apply to a university in the UK, StudySes has your back.
Our skilled course planners and teachers have discussed and planned the blueprint of the project for months. With our entire team’s indomitable spirit, we have come to the final output: StudySes, an online free IELTS Course providing app.
Initially, we started by providing a complete IELTS course. But we gradually came to understand the needs of the youth and the young professionals who want to build a bright future. However, because of a lack of monetary support and resources, they are lagging.
The entire situation made us realize it deprived many students of quality education. It is heartbreaking to see that because of monetary issues, many students cannot pursue their dream courses and change their lifestyles. But not anymore, as we have taken the responsibility to educate every student for free.
All of our online courses are available for free, and let us assure you that there are no hidden costs for you. We aim to improve the overall quality of education by making it free for everyone. StudySes, an online course app, offers courses on a variety of topics, and more are on the way. Students from anywhere with access to a network and a mobile phone can enroll in any of our courses. As they go through the lessons, they will build their knowledge. To fully illustrate the subject, each module includes sufficient examples and demonstration video clips. At the end of each module, self-assessment questionnaires are attached. So, anyone can go through the course and measure their understanding of the chapter.
The entire course is available on the app, and there is no time limit for the course. If the students want to complete the course in one day, they can do that. So, the students and the working professionals who want to develop skills will get the online course benefits.
We designed our IELTS course to help students improve their English language proficiency and achieve a good band in IELTS. We plan the courses with the educational needs of the current scenario in mind. So, you will learn what you can use to build your career.
Preparing for the IELTS is tough. But we aim to make your learning process easier. For this reason, we have filled the course with a range of learning resources, such as quizzes, videos, interactive lessons, and vocabulary boosters. User-friendly learning also has features like customized learning experiences and real-time feedback tailored to individual needs and goals.
Even the online course English speaking app is built with the basics in mind: Spoken English. Many students know how to read and write English. But they cannot understand the language by listening. As a result, they cannot speak the language properly either.
However, with StudySes online course programs, the students practice English by listening to different audio clips and practicing on the app. To enhance your spoken English skills, the app has a basic tense course that strengthens your sentence construction. The step-by-step explanation with examples is easy to understand. As the students go through the course, they will build confidence in the language, making their Spoken English better.
We have joined hands to build a community where education is free for everyone. So, join us in this noble work and share your experiences on the Google Play Store. Also, let us know if you have any ideas for the courses. We will try to bring that course to StudySes.